Monday, March 21, 2016

Unit 4: Congress Ken Buck


Buck is a Republican Representative of Las Animas County in Colorado. He was once a Senator of Colorado and a District Attorney. He is a member of 4 subcommittees. He supports Gun Rights, is against abortion and gay marriage.

Encrypt Act:
I think that Senator Ken Buck will vote against the bill that will allow government to access information from companies like Apple from clients phones. Buck has made previous statements during the USA Freedom Act of 2015, that "while protecting our national security it is most important and necessary to protect the rights of every American. He wants to prevent government overreach, and the Encrypt would be giving the government more access and power, which he clearly does not agree with.

Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Re-authorization Act:
The Republican party wants to reduce government involvement as much as possible, and to reduce government spending. By making the FAA an independent non profit entity, the government would not be putting money into that organization, and would save tax payer money. I think that Ken Buck would vote for this bill. He does not support the raising of taxes, and does not agree with tax payers money going into government organizations, so he would agree with this act.

Sentencing Reform Act:
I think that Ken Buck would support the Sentencing Reform Act. He supports saving money, and not raising taxes. The Reform Act would reduce the amount of prisoners money in his county, which would allow the money to be spent elsewhere.

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