Sunday, April 24, 2016

Unit 4 Bureaucracy

"The Whistle-blower Protection Act"

VA Hospitals have been falsifying records regarding their medical treatment and what has been provided for patients. A whistleblower is an employee who releases information exposing any misconduct happening at their workplace. The Whistle Blower Protection Act protects those employees who release the information. It states that the employer cannot punish the employee in any way such as firing or decreasing pay. Doctors, nurses, and other staff at the VA hospitals have released information that has put the VA hospitals under the microscope of the Federal government. OSHA is a federal agency, that is under the federal bureaucracy of the Department of Labor, that is in charge of protecting the whistle blowers. Supposedly for years now OSHA has not been doing their job, they have been slacking on investigating and reporting misconduct happening at the VA hospitals. The people working for OSHA who are bureaucrats have been treating the employees like they are the ones to blame for the misconduct.

 Analysis: The federal bureaucracy "OSHA" follows by regulations that give them the right to protect employees who release the information about their employers. If OSHA doesn't do their job this allows employers to get away with things that should be brought to the governments attention and reported. Federal bureaucracies have a lot of power, and are given this power for a reason.

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